Monday, 13 February 2017

Realm Works - EighBitz's XML Transformation Script (Export your realm to HTML or Word)

When Realm Works released the ability to import and export data something quite unexpected happened over on the forums. A community member by the name of EightBitz turned around within a couple of days and gave us a script that was capable of taking a Realm Works export and turning it into a HTML page! It was a significant achievement but apparently he was not finished yet.

I took another look at his script today to see what has changed and to be honest, I was blown away.

You can get a copy of the script from HERE.

It now includes a GUI! This makes it much easier to use and the learning curve for using it is significantly reduced. Simply download the file above and export the content into a folder. Now run the GUI file (RWExportGUI.ps1).

Once the GUI loads you basically fill in the options and select the type of output you want.

HTML - This exports as a HTML page. It includes functional links and pictures!
WORD - THis exports to Microsoft Word. This automatically creates a table of contents and something I'm excited about is it enables you to use Word's spell check functionality to check your realm for spelling errors. If you are preparing something for the content market you might want to check this out!

Check out the video below of the script in action.

Realm Works - Working With Random Tables

In this video I show how I setup random tables within Realm Works taking advantage of the auto-linking functionality.

Building further on the need for random tables I looked into some 3rd party options to auto generate random table results. I was very happy with the results. In the video below i use Inspiration Pad Pro 3.0 to automatically display results. 

Many people prefer to use the Donjon website to return random table results. Well I did some testing and Realm Works can be configured to display random table results from a single click!

Realm Works - Using Storyboards

In this video I show how to use Storyboards to create flow charts within Realm Works. This lets you map your stories out in a way that's efficient to use at the table.

Realm Works - Integration With Spotify

In this video I show how to create URL links within Realm Works that can be used to trigger play-lists and songs within Spotify.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Realm Works Now Supports Copying, Exporting and Importing of Realms!

Realm Works Now Supports Copying, Exporting and Importing of Realms!

Check out the videos below to see it in action!